I have little interest in numerology and related fabrications, but there seem to be a lot of social and cultural concepts involving the number seven. Heavens, saumurai, sins, dwarfs, seals, seas, signs, wonders, pillars of wisdom, hills of Rome and years in… Continue Reading →
Last week I attended an all day training session with colleagues on trauma-informed practice, run by Adults Surviving Child Abuse (ASCA). As some readers will know, for a little over three years I have been involved in the National Find… Continue Reading →
As seen on Twitter, 18 May 2012: The cliché of the introverted archivist – like the idea of ‘dusty’ or ‘musty’ archives – is widespread. I shared that State Records NSW tweet with colleagues at the time to knowing laughs; and more… Continue Reading →
A new WordPress theme, and a new start. After a frantic #blogjune I stepped away from blogging (again). In the intervening months a lot has happened. Mostly I’ve been travelling – since getting back from Canada, I’ve been to London, Rome,… Continue Reading →
We made it! Though I feel a little like I ran out of puff on the home stretch – overseas in Canada at the Association of Canadian Archivists conference my time filled up with sessions and related social happenings, plus… Continue Reading →
Readers who follow me on Twitter will know I’m one of those people who sometimes makes up my own hashtags. Some of these include the word ‘archivist’. For example, I use #travellingarchivist when tweeting on the road. But the one with… Continue Reading →
Yesterday I spent the first part of my day at the Royal BC Museum. It is a beautiful place, with wonderful displays and evocative installations throughout. But the highlight for me was the new exhibition Our Living Languages: First Peoples’ Voices… Continue Reading →
After more than 24 hours of travelling on everything from an A380 to a small twin-prop Alaskan Airlines plane, yesterday evening (Pacific Time US & Canada) I arrived in Victoria. Located on Vancouver Island, Victoria is the capital of British… Continue Reading →
I am writing this post from the Qantas lounge at Melbourne airport, in the couple of hours before I board a plane to Los Angeles. I’m flying from Los Angeles to Seattle, then Seattle to Victoria, Canada. The reason for my… Continue Reading →
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