Category Gender

Putting the Q in LGBTIQA+

Sometimes blogging is hard, particularly when juggling a full-time PhD, paid (and unpaid) work, and voluntary positions on associations. Often Context Junky ends up at the bottom of the list, which is a shame because it means I miss out on contributing to things like New Cardigan’s GLAM Blog Club. The topic for July was identity. I wanted to write this post given some of the current debates happening in Australia, so I’m joining in a few weeks late. (As June’s theme was fear, maybe it’s just FOMO.)

On Greer, archives and controversy

The thing is about archives … they are the paydirt of history. Everything else is opinion. At a certain point you actually need documents. Germaine Greer, 20 February 2013 I am a product of 1990s academia, a reader of Judith Butler,… Continue Reading →

From Thaemlitz to Duchamp and back again [#blogjune 3]

This post comes with a soundtrack. [Or at least, it used to but the link is now broken. Please look up a Terre Thaemlitz track on YouTube, Spotify, or another music service and listen as you read – Mike Jones, 2… Continue Reading →

Sex and the wiki

I spent my walk home thinking about an article I read just before leaving the office: How can Wikipedia woo women editors? Unlike some of the comments (yes, I read them) I don’t think the problem has arisen because women… Continue Reading →

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