Category Research

The temple of history

This is the text from a presentation I delivered as part of the History Australia roundtable discussion ‘Historians and the Archive: sacralization, democratisation, limits, and liberties,’ at the 2022 Australian Historical Association Conference (Deakin University, Geelong). The piece introduces my article ‘The temple of history: historians and the sacralisation of archival work.’

All the little travellers: the children of ‘Morningtown Ride’

This post is co-written with Sarah Green, and was first published on the Find & Connect web resource blog on 29 February 2016. Sarah Green It’s a sad fact that many people who were in care do not know what… Continue Reading →

Something 2 Work 2

This post comes with a soundtrack. Different people work in different ways. Some need to read, write and think in silent solitude, while others can be happily productive in a cafe while conversation, music and noise swirls around them. Some will… Continue Reading →

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