Category Travel

Reflections on ICOM Kyoto, and that definition

In the first week of September 2019, more than 4500 museum professionals from 120 countries descended on Kyoto for the 25th General Conference of the International Council of Museums. This post reflects on the conference, and the disconnect between individuals, institutions, and ICOM’s proposed new museum definition.


What a year. So many aspects of 2016 were awful in so many ways. The horror-shows that were Brexit and the US election. The rise of minor parties and failures of policy and basic humanity (Dutton anyone?) that characterise the Australian… Continue Reading →

Washington, D.C.

After an interesting week in Los Angeles I am now in Washington, D.C. It’s colder here in the mornings and evenings, but the last two days have cleared in the afternoon, showing off the Spring blooms and blossoms to full… Continue Reading →


A new WordPress theme, and a new start. After a frantic #blogjune I stepped away from blogging (again). In the intervening months a lot has happened. Mostly I’ve been travelling – since getting back from Canada, I’ve been to London, Rome,… Continue Reading →

Victoria photo gallery [#blogjune 25]

Today I don’t have words, so here are some pictures.

Victoria, BC [#blogjune 22]

After more than 24 hours of travelling on everything from an A380 to a small twin-prop Alaskan Airlines plane, yesterday evening (Pacific Time US & Canada) I arrived in Victoria. Located on Vancouver Island, Victoria is the capital of British… Continue Reading →

O Canada [#blogjune 21]

I am writing this post from the Qantas lounge at Melbourne airport, in the couple of hours before I board a plane to Los Angeles. I’m flying from Los Angeles to Seattle, then Seattle to Victoria, Canada. The reason for my… Continue Reading →

Preparation [#blogjune 20]

Tonight it’s time to prepare. To pack clothes, check my washbag, run through the flight details, check my wallet and passport are in place, and – because I’m paranoid – check and re-check everything umpteen times until I finally get… Continue Reading →

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