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The temple of history

This is the text from a presentation I delivered as part of the History Australia roundtable discussion ‘Historians and the Archive: sacralization, democratisation, limits, and liberties,’ at the 2022 Australian Historical Association Conference (Deakin University, Geelong). The piece introduces my article ‘The temple of history: historians and the sacralisation of archival work.’

How did I end up here?

This is the first of three related blog posts to start the year, all reflecting on where I am professionally and what lies ahead. It talks about how I became an archivist. The second post, What have I learned?, tries to… Continue Reading →

Ubiquitous Archives

Our session on Ubiquitous Archives from the Australian Society of Archivists (ASA) Conference in Parramatta, Sydney, Australia, 20 October 2016.

The Disney analogy

A couple of weeks ago I saw Inside Out, the new Pixar/Disney animated film. It was wonderful – funny, moving, intellectually stimulating, emotionally rich and visually beautiful. Today I came across Disney again, in a report noting that Anna and Elsa… Continue Reading →

Preserving records for ‘Forgotten Children’

Today the news is filled with stories about the Australian Human Rights Commission’s report The Forgotten Children: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention (2014) and the Government’s reaction to its findings. Of the 800 or so children currently in mandatory closed… Continue Reading →

Seven years scratching an itch

I have little interest in numerology and related fabrications, but there seem to be a lot of social and cultural concepts involving the number seven. Heavens, saumurai, sins, dwarfs, seals, seas, signs, wonders, pillars of wisdom, hills of Rome and years in… Continue Reading →

What would trauma informed archival access look like?

Last week I attended an all day training session with colleagues on trauma-informed practice, run by Adults Surviving Child Abuse (ASCA). As some readers will know, for a little over three years I have been involved in the National Find… Continue Reading →

Am I an archivist?

After several years of vacillating, last week I finally joined the Australian Society of Archivists as an Associate member. The decision not to apply for Professional Membership immediately was partly financial and partly because I see Associate Membership as a… Continue Reading →

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