Papers, presentations, panels & talks
Keynotes & invited talks
Invited paper: 'Weaving worlds: archives, science, and the politics of colonial museums,' Archives, Research, and Scientific Heritage: A View from the History of Science, López Piñeiro Interuniversity Institute for the History of Science and Medicine, University of Valencia, Spain [online], 4 December 2024.
Invited paper: 'Beyond Objects,' AMaGA Historians Network: Beyond objects panel, AMaGA 2022, Perth, Australia, 15 June 2022.
Keynote: ‘Nature, Nurture, and the Future of Museums,’ AMaGA Victoria Forum, Deakin Downtown, Melbourne, Australia, 18 May 2022.
Invited paper: 'Critical relations: reconceptualising Australian Indigenous collections,' Rethinking museum practices: decolonizing collections—Online Conference, International Council of Museums (ICOM) CIDOC, COMCOL, and Brazil, in partnership with MAM Rio (Museum of Modern Art – Rio de Janeiro), 7 December 2021.
Keynote: 'Capturing complexity: artefacts, archives, and relational collections,' Dealing with complexity: Collections Trust conference 2021, United Kingdom [online], 14 October 2021.
Keynote: 'Politics, pandemics, and post-disciplinary GLAM: relationalities all the way down,' GLAMSLAM 2021, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, 12 March 2021.
Keynote: 'Paths: collections, relationality, and community knowledge,' Research Applications in Information and Library Studies (RAILS) Conference, Towards Critical Information Research, Education & Practice, Charles Sturt University, Canberra, Australia, 29 October 2019.
Keynote: 'Relationality and the unrealised potential of digital collections,' ALIA Information Online 2019 - Infinite Possibilities, Sydney, Australia, 12 February 2019.
Invited paper: 'Descending upright among staring fish: improving the sustainability of the GLAM reef,' VALA2018: Libraries, Technology, and the Future, Melbourne, Australia, 13 February 2018.
Keynote: 'Preservation, Presentation, and Possibility: oral histories in a complex age,' OHV Symposium 2017: Oral History in the Digital Age, CO.AS.IT – Museo Italiano, Melbourne, Australia, 10 June 2017.
Invited talk: ‘The Fourth Dimension: archives, the internet and the Find & Connect web resource,’ Seminar Series – Seminar 3, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 5 September 2013.
Invited talk: ‘The Pathways Project: Underpinning Principles,' Find and Connect Seminar Series – Sharing and Reflecting on the Australian Experience of Supporting Care Leavers Access Records, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 2 July 2012. Presentation prepared with assistance from Gavan McCarthy.
Invited paper: ‘Making Sense of the Past: Reconnecting through Records‘, Oxford University Centre for the History of Childhood, Day Conference: Childhood and Loss, Oxford University 30 June 2012. Presentation prepared with assistance from Gavan McCarthy.
Conference papers (*indicates peer review)
with Lloyd Pigram and Ben Silverstein [presenter], 'Fish, Authority, Country: Yawuru stories of wirli-wirli-ngan (fishing) at Jangu/Thangoo Station,' International Australian Studies Association (InASA) 2025 Biennial Conference, Sydney, Australia, 5–7 February 2025.
with Ben Silverstein, 'Connecting Jayjagurdiny: Oral History in and as Country,' 2024 OHA Biennial Conference: The Power of Oral History—Risks, Rewards & Possibilities, Melbourne, Australia, 21–24 November 2024.
'History, truth-telling, and the contemporary museum,' Home Truths: Australian Historical Association 2024 Annual Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 1–4 July 2024.
'Evolution and stasis: ethnographic display in mid-twentieth century Australian museums,' Milestones: 2023 Australian Historical Association Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 6 July 2023.
'Culture, Common Law, and Science: deep history in Australian museums,' Urgent Histories: 2022 Australian Historical Association Conference, Geelong, Australia, 1 July 2022.
'Rainstones, rivers, and relationality: developing polyvocal collections documentation' [presented online], Symbiosis of Tradition and Digital Technology: CIDOC 2022, Tallin, Estonia, 23 May 2022.
with Ann McGrath, 'Marking Country: rock art and the mapping of deep history,' Art Association of Australia and New Zealand, Sydney, Australia [online], 10 December 2021.
with Ann McGrath, Laura Rademaker, and Jackie Huggins, 'Roundtable: Marking Country: A Digital Atlas of Deep History,' Australian Historical Association, Sydney, Australia [online], 30 November 2021.
'Decolonisation, deep time, and the future of history in Australian museums,' Australian Museums and Galleries Association, Canberra, Australia, 9 June 2021.
'About Time,' GLAMSLAM 2020, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, 6 March 2020.
with Deb Verhoeven, 'Designing infinitely iterative collections,' Designing the Archive—Australian Society of Archivists, Archives and Records Association of New Zealand, International Council on Archives, and the Pacific Regional Branch International Council on Archives, Adelaide, Australia, 22 October 2019.
'Deep History: time, culture, and collections,' ICOM Kyoto 2019—Museums and Cultural Hubs: The Future of Tradition, Kyoto, Japan, 4 September 2019.
'Exploring the provenance of Australian artefacts in the relational museum,' Australian Historical Association Annual Conference 2019—Local Communities, Global Networks, Toowoomba, Australia, 8-12 July 2019.
* 'Collections in the expanded field: relationality and the provenance of artefacts and archives,' CIDOC 2018, International Council of Museums, Heraklion, Greece, 29 September-5 October 2018. [Winner of the "2018 Best Paper Award - Best Paper of CIDOC 2018 Conference."]
'"If only you could see what I've seen with your eyes!" The accumulation of collections-based knowledge,' Australian Society of Archivists - Archives in a Blade Runner Age: Identity & Memory, Evidence & Accountability, Perth, Australia, 25-28 September 2018.
'Beyond Aggregation: convergence and collections in the digital age,' Future GLAM: Convergence & collaboration in the cultural heritage sector, Melbourne, Australia, 8 June 2018.
'Online Collections, Practical Generosity, and Participatory Museums,' Museums Galleries Australia, Melbourne, Australia, 4-7 June 2018.
'A Tale of Two Professions; Divergence, Convergence, and the History of Archives in Museums,' I-CHORA 8: Archives in a Changing Climate, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 May 2018.
'"Somehow the vital connection is made"’: developing generous collection data,' 2017 National Digital Forum, Wellington, New Zealand, 21-22 November 2017.
'Cross-references, keywords, and networks: the continuing story of a complex collection,' CIDOC 2017, International Council of Museums, Tbilisi, Georgia, 25-29 September 2017.
'Metadata and Power: toward relational agency in archival description,' Australian Society of Archivists - Diverse Worlds, Melbourne, Australia, 25-28 September 2017.
'Collecting Histories: the entanglement of museum documentation and material culture,' 'Entangled Histories': AHA Conference 2017, Australian Historical Association, Newcastle, Australia, 4 July 2017.
'Missing links: museum archives as evidence, context and content,' Forging Links: 31st National Conference of the Australian Society of Archivists, Parramatta, Australia, 17-21 October 2016.
'The decontextualised object: archives, evidence, knowledge and loss,' International Council on Archives Congress 2016, Seoul, South Korea, 5-10 September 2016.
'Mind the gaps: missing connections in museum documentation,' ICOM Milano 2016: 24th General Conference, Milan, Italy, 3-9 July 2016.
* 'What we talk about when we talk about things,' Digital Humanities Australasia, Hobart, Australia, 20-23 June 2016.
* 'Artefacts and archives: considering cross-collection contextual information networks in museums,' MWA2015: Museums and the Web Asia 2015, 5-8 October 2015, Melbourne, Australia. Printed in Museums & the Web: Selected Papers and Proceedings from Two International Conferences, Nancy Proctor and Rich Cherry (eds.), Museums and the Web, Silver Spring, MD, 2016, pp. 123-135.
* 'Scaling Up Digital Public History: Lessons Learned From the Find & Connect Web Resource Project,' DH2015: Global Digital Humanities, Sydney, Australia, 29 June-3 July 2015. Paper co-written with Rachel Tropea.
‘From Evidence to Collective Memory: connecting communities to organisational knowledge,’ Joint ASA and ARANZ National Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 30 September-3 October 2014.
‘Let Our Histories Be Visible: The Find and Connect Project as Archival Activism on a National Scale,’ Association of Canadian Archivists 29th Annual Conference, Victoria, B.C., Canada, 26-28 June 2014. Paper co-written with Rachel Tropea.
* Co-presented with Rebe Taylor, ‘Stories in Stone: an annotated history and guide to the collections and papers of Ernest Westlake (1855-1922),’ Digital Humanities Australasia 2014 – Expanding Horizons, Perth, 17-21 March 2014.
‘Identity, Records and Archival Evidence: exploring the needs of Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants,’ ARA Annual Conference, Cardiff, 28-30 August 2013. Paper co-written with Cate O'Neill.
‘Connecting with Communities: Developing the Find & Connect web resource,’ ALIA Information Online 2013, Brisbane, Australia, 12-15 February 2013.
‘“Encountering the Stranger”: Working digitally to connect records and data for communities,’ International Council on Archives Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 2012. (My paper starts on page 11.)
* ‘Context Entity Analysis: Using public domain knowledge to build information infrastructure’, Knowledge Cities World Summit, Matera, Italy, June 2012. Paper co-written with Gavan McCarthy, Richard Vines, and Antonina Lewis. Published in: International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) and Knowledge Cities World Summit (KCWS) 2012 Proceedings E-Book, University of Basilicata, Italy, 2012, pp. 2186-2207.
‘Three Layers: Investigating the potential of data, records and context’, on Friday 8 June 2012 in ‘Accessing Historic Records using Modern Tools’, Data Science for a Connected World: Unlocking and Harnessing the Powers of Information, IASSIST 2012, 38th Annual Conference, Washington, DC June 4-8, 2012, International Association for Social Science Information Services & Technology. Paper co-written with Gavan McCarthy.
* Co-presented with Antonina Lewis, ‘As Curious An Entity: Building digital resources from context, records and data’, Digital Humanities Australasia 2012: Building, Mapping, Connecting, Canberra, March 2012.
‘Digital Curation’, IASSIST, Vancouver, May/June 2011. Paper co-written with Gavan McCarthy.
* ‘Cities, human well being and the environment: Conceiving national regulatory knowledge systems to facilitate resiliant knowledge, knowledge based knowing and inter-generational knowing’, Knowledge Cities World Summit, Melbourne, November 2010. Paper co-written with Richard Vines, Gavan McCarthy, and Chris Kirk. Published in: The 3rd Knowledge Cities World Summit—Summit Proceedings, No. 29, World Capital Institute, City of Melbourne and Office of Knowledge Capital, Melbourne, Australia, 2010, pp. 493-533.
Conference panels
with Catherine Woo (chair), Esme Ward, Kirsten Thorpe, Deborah Tout-Smith, Ian McDonald, 'Ethics—Why do we need a new code and how does that apply in the Australian context?' AMaGA 2024, Ballarat, Australia, 17–20 September 2024.
with Kate Fullagar (chair), Tom Griffiths, Lauren Pikó, and Tiffany Shellam, and Kirsten Thorpe, 'Historians and the Archive: sacralization, democratisation, limits, and liberties,' Urgent Histories: 2022 Australian Historical Association Conference, Geelong, Australia, 27 June–1 July 2022.
with Libby Robin and Analiese Treacy, 'The Anthropocene,' 10th AICCM Book, Paper & Photographic Materials Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, 20-23 November 2018.
with Clare O'Hanlon, Hayley Webster, et al., 'Queerying Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums,' Queer Legacies, New Solidarities, Melbourne, Australia, 22-24 November 2018.
with Deb Verhoeven and Stephen Loo, 'Replicating the replicants; or, do archivists dream of downloadable sheep?' Australian Society of Archivists - Archives in a Blade Runner Age: Identity & Memory, Evidence & Accountability, Perth, Australia, 25-28 September 2018.
with Deb Verhoeven and Cassie Findlay, 'The Ubiquitous Archive: non-binary perspectives on contemporary humanities practice,' Forging Links: 31st National Conference of the Australian Society of Archivists, Parramatta, Australia, 17-21 October 2016.
with Fraser Faithfull, Chris Holmes, Sigrid McCausland, Adelaide Parr and Christopher Stueven, 'A Network of Archives: Bringing the Directory of Archives Back from the Brink,' 2015 National Conference: Archives on the Edge, Australian Society of Archivists, Hobart, Australia, 18-21 August 2015.
with Elspeth Wishart, Vanessa Finney, Julie Stacker and Fran Zilio, 'A Museum Perspective,' 2015 National Conference: Archives on the Edge, Australian Society of Archivists, Hobart, Australia, 18-21 August 2015.
with Chris Sounness, Kieran Murphy, Katherine Hollaway, Priit Kaal, Chris Kirk and Richard Vines, 'Building KM capacity in the public sector,' The Discovery and Re-Discovery of Knowledge: Knowledge Management Australia 2015, Melbourne, Australia, 4-6 August 2015.
Other events
with Ben Silverstein, 'Remembering Thangoo,' Memory Hub Symposium, Australian National University, 16 November 2022.
Invited presentation: 'Museums, archives, and accountability: towards a relational ethics of GLAM,' University of Sydney History Seminar, 26 October 2022.
with Ben Silverstein, 'Re-imagining research and learning communities beyond contagion,' CASS Teaching & Learning Showcase, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 9 September 2020.
Conference workshop: 'Sounds complicated - preservation, presentation, and possibilities,' ALIA Information Online 2019 - Infinite Possibilities, Sydney, Australia, 12 February 2019 [forthcoming].
Panel with Lauren Pikó and James Lesh, 'Twitter for Academic Activism,' SHAPS WIP Day (School of Historical and Philosophical Studies - Work in Progress Day), 23 October 2017.
'Nurseries of Living Thought: growing museum knowledge in the digital age,' Digital Studio Lunchtime Seminar Series, Digital Studio (Arts West), The University of Melbourne, Australia, 25 May 2017.
Panel with Sarah Slade, Daniel Wilksch and Owen O'Neill, 'Bread & Stones: historians using and preserving digital sources,' Making Public Histories Seminar Series, State Library of Victoria, History Council of Victoria and Monash University, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia, 16 November 2016.
'Folklore and field books: museums, archives and the documentation of diverse collections,' History, Culture & Collections - 2016 Humanities Department Seminar Series, Museum Victoria, Melbourne, 9 November 2016.
Invited paper: 'Weaving worlds: archives, science, and the politics of colonial museums,' Archives, Research, and Scientific Heritage: A View from the History of Science, López Piñeiro Interuniversity Institute for the History of Science and Medicine, University of Valencia, Spain [online], 4 December 2024.
Invited paper: 'Beyond Objects,' AMaGA Historians Network: Beyond objects panel, AMaGA 2022, Perth, Australia, 15 June 2022.
Keynote: ‘Nature, Nurture, and the Future of Museums,’ AMaGA Victoria Forum, Deakin Downtown, Melbourne, Australia, 18 May 2022.
Invited paper: 'Critical relations: reconceptualising Australian Indigenous collections,' Rethinking museum practices: decolonizing collections—Online Conference, International Council of Museums (ICOM) CIDOC, COMCOL, and Brazil, in partnership with MAM Rio (Museum of Modern Art – Rio de Janeiro), 7 December 2021.
Keynote: 'Capturing complexity: artefacts, archives, and relational collections,' Dealing with complexity: Collections Trust conference 2021, United Kingdom [online], 14 October 2021.
Keynote: 'Politics, pandemics, and post-disciplinary GLAM: relationalities all the way down,' GLAMSLAM 2021, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, 12 March 2021.
Keynote: 'Paths: collections, relationality, and community knowledge,' Research Applications in Information and Library Studies (RAILS) Conference, Towards Critical Information Research, Education & Practice, Charles Sturt University, Canberra, Australia, 29 October 2019.
Keynote: 'Relationality and the unrealised potential of digital collections,' ALIA Information Online 2019 - Infinite Possibilities, Sydney, Australia, 12 February 2019.
Invited paper: 'Descending upright among staring fish: improving the sustainability of the GLAM reef,' VALA2018: Libraries, Technology, and the Future, Melbourne, Australia, 13 February 2018.
Keynote: 'Preservation, Presentation, and Possibility: oral histories in a complex age,' OHV Symposium 2017: Oral History in the Digital Age, CO.AS.IT – Museo Italiano, Melbourne, Australia, 10 June 2017.
Invited talk: ‘The Fourth Dimension: archives, the internet and the Find & Connect web resource,’ Seminar Series – Seminar 3, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 5 September 2013.
Invited talk: ‘The Pathways Project: Underpinning Principles,' Find and Connect Seminar Series – Sharing and Reflecting on the Australian Experience of Supporting Care Leavers Access Records, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 2 July 2012. Presentation prepared with assistance from Gavan McCarthy.
Invited paper: ‘Making Sense of the Past: Reconnecting through Records‘, Oxford University Centre for the History of Childhood, Day Conference: Childhood and Loss, Oxford University 30 June 2012. Presentation prepared with assistance from Gavan McCarthy.
Conference papers (*indicates peer review)
with Lloyd Pigram and Ben Silverstein [presenter], 'Fish, Authority, Country: Yawuru stories of wirli-wirli-ngan (fishing) at Jangu/Thangoo Station,' International Australian Studies Association (InASA) 2025 Biennial Conference, Sydney, Australia, 5–7 February 2025.
with Ben Silverstein, 'Connecting Jayjagurdiny: Oral History in and as Country,' 2024 OHA Biennial Conference: The Power of Oral History—Risks, Rewards & Possibilities, Melbourne, Australia, 21–24 November 2024.
'History, truth-telling, and the contemporary museum,' Home Truths: Australian Historical Association 2024 Annual Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 1–4 July 2024.
'Evolution and stasis: ethnographic display in mid-twentieth century Australian museums,' Milestones: 2023 Australian Historical Association Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 6 July 2023.
'Culture, Common Law, and Science: deep history in Australian museums,' Urgent Histories: 2022 Australian Historical Association Conference, Geelong, Australia, 1 July 2022.
'Rainstones, rivers, and relationality: developing polyvocal collections documentation' [presented online], Symbiosis of Tradition and Digital Technology: CIDOC 2022, Tallin, Estonia, 23 May 2022.
with Ann McGrath, 'Marking Country: rock art and the mapping of deep history,' Art Association of Australia and New Zealand, Sydney, Australia [online], 10 December 2021.
with Ann McGrath, Laura Rademaker, and Jackie Huggins, 'Roundtable: Marking Country: A Digital Atlas of Deep History,' Australian Historical Association, Sydney, Australia [online], 30 November 2021.
'Decolonisation, deep time, and the future of history in Australian museums,' Australian Museums and Galleries Association, Canberra, Australia, 9 June 2021.
'About Time,' GLAMSLAM 2020, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, 6 March 2020.
with Deb Verhoeven, 'Designing infinitely iterative collections,' Designing the Archive—Australian Society of Archivists, Archives and Records Association of New Zealand, International Council on Archives, and the Pacific Regional Branch International Council on Archives, Adelaide, Australia, 22 October 2019.
'Deep History: time, culture, and collections,' ICOM Kyoto 2019—Museums and Cultural Hubs: The Future of Tradition, Kyoto, Japan, 4 September 2019.
'Exploring the provenance of Australian artefacts in the relational museum,' Australian Historical Association Annual Conference 2019—Local Communities, Global Networks, Toowoomba, Australia, 8-12 July 2019.
* 'Collections in the expanded field: relationality and the provenance of artefacts and archives,' CIDOC 2018, International Council of Museums, Heraklion, Greece, 29 September-5 October 2018. [Winner of the "2018 Best Paper Award - Best Paper of CIDOC 2018 Conference."]
'"If only you could see what I've seen with your eyes!" The accumulation of collections-based knowledge,' Australian Society of Archivists - Archives in a Blade Runner Age: Identity & Memory, Evidence & Accountability, Perth, Australia, 25-28 September 2018.
'Beyond Aggregation: convergence and collections in the digital age,' Future GLAM: Convergence & collaboration in the cultural heritage sector, Melbourne, Australia, 8 June 2018.
'Online Collections, Practical Generosity, and Participatory Museums,' Museums Galleries Australia, Melbourne, Australia, 4-7 June 2018.
'A Tale of Two Professions; Divergence, Convergence, and the History of Archives in Museums,' I-CHORA 8: Archives in a Changing Climate, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 May 2018.
'"Somehow the vital connection is made"’: developing generous collection data,' 2017 National Digital Forum, Wellington, New Zealand, 21-22 November 2017.
'Cross-references, keywords, and networks: the continuing story of a complex collection,' CIDOC 2017, International Council of Museums, Tbilisi, Georgia, 25-29 September 2017.
'Metadata and Power: toward relational agency in archival description,' Australian Society of Archivists - Diverse Worlds, Melbourne, Australia, 25-28 September 2017.
'Collecting Histories: the entanglement of museum documentation and material culture,' 'Entangled Histories': AHA Conference 2017, Australian Historical Association, Newcastle, Australia, 4 July 2017.
'Missing links: museum archives as evidence, context and content,' Forging Links: 31st National Conference of the Australian Society of Archivists, Parramatta, Australia, 17-21 October 2016.
'The decontextualised object: archives, evidence, knowledge and loss,' International Council on Archives Congress 2016, Seoul, South Korea, 5-10 September 2016.
'Mind the gaps: missing connections in museum documentation,' ICOM Milano 2016: 24th General Conference, Milan, Italy, 3-9 July 2016.
* 'What we talk about when we talk about things,' Digital Humanities Australasia, Hobart, Australia, 20-23 June 2016.
* 'Artefacts and archives: considering cross-collection contextual information networks in museums,' MWA2015: Museums and the Web Asia 2015, 5-8 October 2015, Melbourne, Australia. Printed in Museums & the Web: Selected Papers and Proceedings from Two International Conferences, Nancy Proctor and Rich Cherry (eds.), Museums and the Web, Silver Spring, MD, 2016, pp. 123-135.
* 'Scaling Up Digital Public History: Lessons Learned From the Find & Connect Web Resource Project,' DH2015: Global Digital Humanities, Sydney, Australia, 29 June-3 July 2015. Paper co-written with Rachel Tropea.
‘From Evidence to Collective Memory: connecting communities to organisational knowledge,’ Joint ASA and ARANZ National Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 30 September-3 October 2014.
‘Let Our Histories Be Visible: The Find and Connect Project as Archival Activism on a National Scale,’ Association of Canadian Archivists 29th Annual Conference, Victoria, B.C., Canada, 26-28 June 2014. Paper co-written with Rachel Tropea.
* Co-presented with Rebe Taylor, ‘Stories in Stone: an annotated history and guide to the collections and papers of Ernest Westlake (1855-1922),’ Digital Humanities Australasia 2014 – Expanding Horizons, Perth, 17-21 March 2014.
‘Identity, Records and Archival Evidence: exploring the needs of Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants,’ ARA Annual Conference, Cardiff, 28-30 August 2013. Paper co-written with Cate O'Neill.
‘Connecting with Communities: Developing the Find & Connect web resource,’ ALIA Information Online 2013, Brisbane, Australia, 12-15 February 2013.
‘“Encountering the Stranger”: Working digitally to connect records and data for communities,’ International Council on Archives Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 2012. (My paper starts on page 11.)
* ‘Context Entity Analysis: Using public domain knowledge to build information infrastructure’, Knowledge Cities World Summit, Matera, Italy, June 2012. Paper co-written with Gavan McCarthy, Richard Vines, and Antonina Lewis. Published in: International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) and Knowledge Cities World Summit (KCWS) 2012 Proceedings E-Book, University of Basilicata, Italy, 2012, pp. 2186-2207.
‘Three Layers: Investigating the potential of data, records and context’, on Friday 8 June 2012 in ‘Accessing Historic Records using Modern Tools’, Data Science for a Connected World: Unlocking and Harnessing the Powers of Information, IASSIST 2012, 38th Annual Conference, Washington, DC June 4-8, 2012, International Association for Social Science Information Services & Technology. Paper co-written with Gavan McCarthy.
* Co-presented with Antonina Lewis, ‘As Curious An Entity: Building digital resources from context, records and data’, Digital Humanities Australasia 2012: Building, Mapping, Connecting, Canberra, March 2012.
‘Digital Curation’, IASSIST, Vancouver, May/June 2011. Paper co-written with Gavan McCarthy.
* ‘Cities, human well being and the environment: Conceiving national regulatory knowledge systems to facilitate resiliant knowledge, knowledge based knowing and inter-generational knowing’, Knowledge Cities World Summit, Melbourne, November 2010. Paper co-written with Richard Vines, Gavan McCarthy, and Chris Kirk. Published in: The 3rd Knowledge Cities World Summit—Summit Proceedings, No. 29, World Capital Institute, City of Melbourne and Office of Knowledge Capital, Melbourne, Australia, 2010, pp. 493-533.
Conference panels
with Catherine Woo (chair), Esme Ward, Kirsten Thorpe, Deborah Tout-Smith, Ian McDonald, 'Ethics—Why do we need a new code and how does that apply in the Australian context?' AMaGA 2024, Ballarat, Australia, 17–20 September 2024.
with Kate Fullagar (chair), Tom Griffiths, Lauren Pikó, and Tiffany Shellam, and Kirsten Thorpe, 'Historians and the Archive: sacralization, democratisation, limits, and liberties,' Urgent Histories: 2022 Australian Historical Association Conference, Geelong, Australia, 27 June–1 July 2022.
with Libby Robin and Analiese Treacy, 'The Anthropocene,' 10th AICCM Book, Paper & Photographic Materials Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, 20-23 November 2018.
with Clare O'Hanlon, Hayley Webster, et al., 'Queerying Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums,' Queer Legacies, New Solidarities, Melbourne, Australia, 22-24 November 2018.
with Deb Verhoeven and Stephen Loo, 'Replicating the replicants; or, do archivists dream of downloadable sheep?' Australian Society of Archivists - Archives in a Blade Runner Age: Identity & Memory, Evidence & Accountability, Perth, Australia, 25-28 September 2018.
with Deb Verhoeven and Cassie Findlay, 'The Ubiquitous Archive: non-binary perspectives on contemporary humanities practice,' Forging Links: 31st National Conference of the Australian Society of Archivists, Parramatta, Australia, 17-21 October 2016.
with Fraser Faithfull, Chris Holmes, Sigrid McCausland, Adelaide Parr and Christopher Stueven, 'A Network of Archives: Bringing the Directory of Archives Back from the Brink,' 2015 National Conference: Archives on the Edge, Australian Society of Archivists, Hobart, Australia, 18-21 August 2015.
with Elspeth Wishart, Vanessa Finney, Julie Stacker and Fran Zilio, 'A Museum Perspective,' 2015 National Conference: Archives on the Edge, Australian Society of Archivists, Hobart, Australia, 18-21 August 2015.
with Chris Sounness, Kieran Murphy, Katherine Hollaway, Priit Kaal, Chris Kirk and Richard Vines, 'Building KM capacity in the public sector,' The Discovery and Re-Discovery of Knowledge: Knowledge Management Australia 2015, Melbourne, Australia, 4-6 August 2015.
Other events
with Ben Silverstein, 'Remembering Thangoo,' Memory Hub Symposium, Australian National University, 16 November 2022.
Invited presentation: 'Museums, archives, and accountability: towards a relational ethics of GLAM,' University of Sydney History Seminar, 26 October 2022.
with Ben Silverstein, 'Re-imagining research and learning communities beyond contagion,' CASS Teaching & Learning Showcase, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 9 September 2020.
Conference workshop: 'Sounds complicated - preservation, presentation, and possibilities,' ALIA Information Online 2019 - Infinite Possibilities, Sydney, Australia, 12 February 2019 [forthcoming].
Panel with Lauren Pikó and James Lesh, 'Twitter for Academic Activism,' SHAPS WIP Day (School of Historical and Philosophical Studies - Work in Progress Day), 23 October 2017.
'Nurseries of Living Thought: growing museum knowledge in the digital age,' Digital Studio Lunchtime Seminar Series, Digital Studio (Arts West), The University of Melbourne, Australia, 25 May 2017.
Panel with Sarah Slade, Daniel Wilksch and Owen O'Neill, 'Bread & Stones: historians using and preserving digital sources,' Making Public Histories Seminar Series, State Library of Victoria, History Council of Victoria and Monash University, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia, 16 November 2016.
'Folklore and field books: museums, archives and the documentation of diverse collections,' History, Culture & Collections - 2016 Humanities Department Seminar Series, Museum Victoria, Melbourne, 9 November 2016.